Beata Basińska Publications

Rozkwitalska-Welenc, M., Basinska, B.A., & Dettlaff, A. (2024). Informal Workplace Learning and Employee Development: Growing in the Organizational New Normal (1st ed.). Routledge.

Rozkwitalska-Welenc, M., Borzyszkowski, J., Basinska, B.A., Okumus, F., & Karatepe, O.M. (2024). Organizational Resilience in Hospitality and Tourism (1st ed.). Routledge. ISBN 1003848206, 9781003848202 

Basinska, B. A., & Kwissa-Gajewska, Z. (2023). Psychometric properties of the Polish version of the Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7-item scale (GAD-7) in a non-clinical sample of employees during pandemic crisis. International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health36(4), 493-504.

Basinska, B. A., & Dåderman, A. M. (2023). Psychometric properties of the Bern illegitimate tasks scale using classical test and item response theories. Scientific Reports13(1), 7211. 

Rozkwitalska, M., Basinska, B. A., Okumus, F., & Karatepe, O. M. (2022). The effects of relational and psychological capital on work engagement: The mediation of learning goal orientation. Journal of Organizational Change Management.

Basinska, B. A., Gruszczynska, E., & Schaufeli, W. B. (2021). Polska adaptacja Metody Oceny Wypalenia Zawodowego (BAT-PL) autorstwa Schaufeliego i wspolpracownikow [The Polish adaptation of the Burnout Assessment Tool (BAT-PL) by Schaufeli et al.]. Psychiatria Polska, online first 255, 1-13.

Basinska, B., Gruszczynska, E., & Schaufeli, W. B. (2021). The Polish adaptation of the Burnout Assessment Tool (BAT-PL) by W. Schaufeli et al.A. Psychiatria Polska, 1-13. (PDF)

Gruszczynska, E., Basinska, B. A., & Schaufeli, W. B. (2021). Within-and between-person factor structure of the Oldenburg Burnout Inventory: Analysis of a diary study using multilevel confirmatory factor analysis. Plos one, 16(5), e0251257.

Daderman, A.M., & Basinska, B.A. (2021). Evolutionary benefits of personality traits when facing workplace bullying. Personality and Individual Differences, 177, no. 110849.

Szuflita-Zurawska, M., & Basinska, B. A. (2021). VisegrE1d countries? scientific productivityA0in the European context: a 10-year perspective usingA0Web of Science and Scopus. Learned Publishing.

Basinska, B. A. (2020). Work motivation profiles and work performance in a group of corporate employees: two-step cluster analysis. Roczniki Psychologiczne/Annals of Psychology,A023(3), 227-245.

Basinska, B.A., & Gruszczynska, E. (2020). Burnout as a State: Random-Intercept Cross-Lagged Relationship Between Exhaustion and Disengagement in a 10-Day Study.A0Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 13, 267-278.

Basinska, B. A., & Gruszczynska, E. (2020). Burnout as a State: Random-Intercept Cross-Lagged Relationship Between Exhaustion and Disengagement in a 10-Day Study [Response to Letter].A0Psychology Research and Behavior Management,A013, 491-493.

Basinska, B. A., & Rozkwitalska, M. (2022). Psychological capital and happiness at work: The mediating role of employee thriving in multinational corporations. Current Psychology, 41, 549-562.

Basinska, B. A., & Daderman, A. M. (2019). Work Values of Police Officers and Their Relationship With Job Burnout and Work Engagement. Frontiers in Psychology, 10:442.

Basinska, B.A., Leja, K., & Szuflita-Zurawska, M. (2019). Positive Management of Universities:A0A Model of Motivation to Strive for Scientific Excellence. Entrepreneurial Business and EconomicsA0Review, 7(3), 237-250.A0

Basinska, B.A., & Gruszczynska, E. (2019). Job-related emotions and job burnout among public servants: examining a shape of relationship in cross-sectional and longitudinal models. [Emocje a wypalenie zawodowe urzednikow administracji publicznej: testowanie ksztaltu relacji w modelach poprzecznych i podluznych]. Medycyna Pracy, 70(2).

Basinska, B. A., & Daderman, A. M. (2018). Be fearless: Positive affect as a mediator between venturesomeness and self-efficacy in future entrepreneurs and managers. European Review of Applied Psychology, 68(4-5), 171-180.

Rozkwitalska, M., Chmielecki, M., Przytula, S., Sulkowski, L., Basinska, B.A. (2017). Intercultural interactions in multinational subsidiaries: Employee accounts of ?the dark side? and ?the bright side? of intercultural contacts. Baltic Journal of Management, 12(2), 214-239.

Daderman, A.M. & Basinska, B.A. (2016). Job Demands, Engagement, and Turnover Intentions in Polish Nurses:
The Role of Work-Family Interface. Frontiers in Psychology, 7:1621.

Basinska, B.A. (2016). Emocje w pracy: rozszerzenie teorii Wymagania? Zasoby w Pracy [Job-related affect: extending the Job Demands ? Resources theory] . GdaF1sk: Wydawnictwo Politechniki GdaF1skiej.

Baka, L., & Basinska, B.A. (2016). Psychometryczne wlasciwosci polskiej wersji Oldenburskiego Kwestionariusza Wypalenia Zawodowego (OLBI). [Psychometric properties of the Polish version of the Oldenburg Burnout Inventory]. Medycyna Pracy, 67(1), 29-41.A0

Rozkwitalska, M., & Basinska, B.A. (2015). Job satisfaction in the multicultural environment of multinational corporations ? using the positive approach to empower organizational success.A0Baltic Journal of Management, 10(3), 366-387.

Basinska, B.A., Gruszczynska, E., & Schaufeli, W.B. (2014). Psychometric properties of the polish version of the Job-related Affective Well-being Scale.A0International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health, 27(6), 993-1004

Basinska, B.A., Wiciak, I., & Daderman, A.M., (2014). Fatigue and burnout in police officers: The mediating role of emotions.A0Policing: an International Journal of Police Strategies & Management, 37(3), 665-680.

Basinska B.A., & Wilczek-Ruzyczka E. (2013). The role of rewards and demands in burnout among surgical nurses. International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health, 26(4), 593?604.

Daderman, A.M., & Basinska, B.A. (2013). Exploring the factor structure and the validity of the abbreviated Basic and Earning Self-Esteem Scales. Nordic Psychology, 65(3), 242-258.

Daderman, A.M., & Basinska, B.A. (2014). Letter to Editor. Nordic Psychology, 66(3), 233-235.

Sekula, A., Basinska, B. (2016). More freedom ? more investments. The relationship between the extent of fiscal autonomy with respect to own revenues and investment expenditures of Polish communes and cities with county rights. Argumenta Oeconomica, 1(36), 241-260.